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Great Ormond St Hospital Learning Academy: Developing Systems Intelligence


The Developing Systems Intelligence is a trust based programme to support systems leadership development, encouraging a greater understanding of system thinking and relationship systems intelligence.

Relationship Systems Intelligence is about having a different relationship to oneself, to others and to the webs of human connections, namely the systems that we are all part of. It is the ability to see our own experience both as our own and as part of another person, a team, or a system. Why is this important to leadership in healthcare? Because leaders need to operate on three levels: self, others and systems to build relationships, to lead teams, to work with complexity, to navigate working in multiple systems and bring about change. It enables them to move from an ‘ego state’ where the world is understood and mediated through the prism of individual needs and experiences, to a strategic and collaborative approach through the recognition that a system is constantly evolving and that all people within it will represent it. To ensure high team or system functioning, leaders will recognise that all voices in the system need to be heard. This increases collective intelligence, motivation, engagement and problem-solving. This programme will develop participants understanding and knowledge of how to operate effectively in human relationship systems, but also honing the practical skills and behaviours required to do so effectively. Participants will:

  • Develop an understanding of the evolution in systems thinking and principles
  • Develop an understanding of how to navigate, reveal and nurture the inherent potential of a system
  • Explore the principles, wisdom and impact of emotional, social and relationship systems intelligence Develop a deeper understanding of the mindset and behaviours required for relationship systems intelligence
  • Develop an understanding of diversity, inclusion, and holding multiple tensions
  • Develop an understanding of what constitutes a healthy system: the importance of roles, psychological safety and trust within systems work
  • Learn an approach for navigating individual and organisational change Develop an understanding of the immunity to change.

To find out more about this programme, please visit the GOSH learning academy.

Apply here

Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation



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