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Dr Myra Malik

Myra completed her training in Anaesthetics at the Imperial School of Anaesthesia, London Deanery in 2017. She graduated from Guy’s, Kings and St Thomas’s Medical School and intercalated with a BSc in Molecular Medicine.

Myra has developed a keen interest in leadership and management within the healthcare setting. She has completed with distinction a Masters programme at Imperial College London Business School in International Health Management in 2015.

Myra had previously been the London Trainee representative on the FMLM Trainee Steering Group (TSG). It was an honour and privileged to have worked with the TSG at such a crucial time. The outstanding achievement she feels most proud of is the development of a strong collaborative working relationship with the London Clinical Senate and FMLM TSG.

She is keen to develop not only her knowledge and skills in this area, but that of others too. She feels that in the current times being a good clinician alone is insufficient in being a good doctor.

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