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1 April 2021
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FMLM response to HSJ article: Legislation must require clinical and lay members on ICS boards – Thursday 1 April 2021

FMLM strongly endorses the need for a statutory requirement for ICSs to have lay membership and clinical leadership representation at ICS board level. The need for these roles is critical. We know from the evidence that clinical leadership on NHS boards has an impact on performance (Veronesi et al) and it makes sense this will be equally important when seeking to improve patient care, outcomes and services across a system. Therefore, clinical leadership should not be left to mandated ‘clinical advice’.

Further to our response to the consultation earlier this year, in which we welcomed the emphasis on clinical leadership, we believe it to be very difficult for an ICS to deliver sustainable improvements for patient care without clinical input on the board. ICS boards incorporating active participation and clinical leadership as a statutory requirement will be essential to balance clinical risk in what is the greatest period of transformation the NHS has faced in many years.

FMLM is aware that the move to make the clinical lead a member of the System Executive Group to represent the Clinical Executive Group (medical directors, CCG clinical chair, Integrated Care Model Provider clinical lead and Primary Care Network directors) is a model already in operation and has proved invaluable during the response to the pandemic.

Clinical leaders are key to the success of transformation, financial stability, restoration and the response to population health management and health inequalities. The need to ensure clinical leaders are appropriately empowered on ICS boards is incontrovertible.


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