Meet Scott, FMLM’s first new Collaborative Fellow

Scott is the Director of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and Leadership for the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board. AHPs are a diverse group of clinicians who deliver high-quality care to patients and clients across a wide range of care pathways and in a variety of different sectors and settings.
We talked to Scott about his role and the importance of collaborative leadership and Fellowship.
Why did you apply for the FMLM collaborative fellowship?
"I have always been motivated to enable those around me achieve their potential. This passion for leadership has driven the roles and career pathway I have chosen - I enjoy a challenge and breaking new ground! Having worked with several medical leaders who were accredited with the FMLM, I was aware of the prestige and regard they were held by within their profession. When I learnt that FMLM had developed a Collaborative Fellowship for non-medical professionals, I was immediately excited for the challenge to be a trailblazer, but to also demonstrate the collaborative leadership skills of an AHP or any non-medical professional."
How did you find the portfolio method of assessment?
"I have always enjoyed a portfolio method of assessment as I think this requires a demonstration of real-world impact and outcomes which I believe is essential when evaluating an individual’s leadership ability. Undertaking the application process also required undertaking a 360 report which I hadn’t done in my current role. Throughout my clinical career as a physiotherapist, the continuous cycle of reflection has been a vital skill which has aided my development and learning. The 360 process really ignited my inquisitive nature to understand what it is like to be on the receiving end of my leadership from colleagues, peers, direct reports, and my line manager. The ability to ‘fail fast’ as one respondent described is a construct that I am sure will have a significant impact on my future leadership behaviour."
What importance would you place on collaborative leadership?
"The definition of a collaborative leader is someone who can create a safe, inclusive, and trusting environment in which everyone can contribute fully and openly to achieving an agreed shared goal. Collaborative leadership actively promotes the need for leaders to switch from a focus solely on individual sovereignty to one of shared stewardship.
"With the health needs of the population changing, many people need more co-ordinated care across primary, community, social and hospital services. I believe collaborative leadership has never been so important as more co-ordinated care requires organisations and staff to collaborate effectively across organisational and professional boundaries. Given the pace of change and disruption needed to solve many of the problems facing our health and care system, we require collaborative leadership to work with a broader range of local organisations as well as local communities.
"Collaborative leadership values and behaviours will be essential if we want inclusive, engaged, and effective leadership at all levels bound together by a passion to serve their communities, willing and able to challenge professional and organisational paradigms; seeing a future where health and care is better delivered together through collaboration and shared stewardship of the resources.
"The Collaborative Fellowship demonstrates the importance that the FMLM places on this leadership practice - the ability of our leaders to demonstrate these behaviours is what will determine if we can overcome the challenges ahead. If not, then we will all ‘fail fast’."
What do you want to achieve in your role?
"I want to create a unified AHP voice that's uniquely placed to empower citizens and lead integration across our system. By creating a collective AHP voice I want to see a workforce that feels valued, is committed to social justice and anti-discrimination that promotes integration, collaboration, and co-production. I also want to inspire future AHPs to take on leadership roles and demonstrate our unique skills and ability collaborate and work in partnership across professional and organisation boundaries to deliver the best possible patient outcomes and experiences."
If you could influence just one aspect of local health service, what would it be?
"I would love to see AHP’s at the forefront of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams, showcasing our ability to lead and inspire collaboration and integration for our local population."
How do you think the Collaborative Fellowship scheme will help you in these and your career aims?
"I think the Collaborative Fellowship scheme has made me a better leader. I believe any leadership role has such a fantastic opportunity not only to influence strategy and policy, but more importantly the development of colleagues and ensuring they can also be the best version of themselves. By developing colleagues into effective collaborative leaders at all levels, and fostering multi-disciplinary working with a constructive and inclusive mindset, this will create the culture, values, and behaviours we require to achieve true system working. I think you can go fast on your own, but if you want meaningful and lasting change, you must take people on the journey. I hope I can inspire colleagues to undertake the Collaborative Fellowship scheme and join me on this journey so we can achieve our aims together."
If Scott's story has inspired you, why not find out more about the options available to you to become an FMLM Fellow.