Mentoring Skills for Doctors Online Course (Oxford Medical Training)
Mentoring is essential for supporting doctors to become independent, capable, critical-thinkers. Develop your mentoring skills with this interactive online course. 3 CPD points.

- 3hr interactive online course
- Detailed study of the mentor’s role and skills
- How to support someone to develop expertise
- Supporting someone through difficulties and change
- Ethics of mentoring and maintaining standards
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information, visit the Oxford Medical Training website:
Mentoring Skills for Doctors Online Course
Advanced Team Communication Skills for Doctors (Oxford Medical Training)

This highly interactive course which will challenge and stimulate participants to think again, about how to communicate. This one day course focuses upon interactions with colleagues and superiors, whether within small teams or in a larger organisational context.
Participants will explore your personal communication style, how this differs to others, plus models of rapport, influence and trust before practising challenging scenarios in small groups. Participants will also look at assertiveness strategies to help contribute more and communicate well in a medical environment. The ultimate impact upon patients is always kept in mind.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information, visit the Oxford Medical Training website:
Advanced Team Communication Skills Course for Doctors
Value-Based Health and Care Executive Education (Swansea University)
Swansea Univerisity's courses are delivered by an international faculty of leaders with expert knowledge of health and social care systems – providing diverse insight and experience; to help challenge and shape your thinking and support you in defining the right approach for your organisation and system.

As a leader or manager, the Value-Based Health and Care Executive Education programme will ensure you return to your organisation equipped to validate or build a strategy defined by value and outcomes.
Topics such as 'Implementing and Using Value Measurement', 'Creating a Culture of Value' and 'Understanding What to Measure' will be explored. You will work with our academics and international faculty to examine case studies and debate topical challenges both in classroom settings and via networking opportunities. You will work as part of small learning sets, which we hope will continue well beyond the course.
Course outcomes:
- Help you identify collaborative working opportunities with peers and colleagues from health and social care systems and the life science sector
- Provide insights and experience to help challenge your thinking
- Explore how to move from an approach focused on cost and outputs towards models that create greater value and outcomes that matter most to people
- Validate your long term strategy, consider the skills and capabilities needed in your work force; and support development of a sustainable health and social care system/organisation/business model
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Creating the vision.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate culture and innovation.
To find out more about this programme, please visit Swansea University's website:
Value-Based Health and Care Executive Education Course
Medical Team Communication Skills Online Course for Doctors (Oxford Medical Training)
Difficult conversations are common when you work with people who have differing interests, needs or priorities. On this interactive, modular online course we focus on improving your ability to deal with the challenges. We guide you to consider the way you currently approach these situations, introduce you to new ideas and help you clarify how to apply theory to everyday practice.

Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information, visit the Oxford Medical Training website:
Medical Team Communication Skills Online Course for Doctors Course
Essentials of Medical Leadership and Management (Oxford Medical Training)
This one day Medical Leadership and Management course from Oxford Medical Training focuses on the leadership and management of people. Expert management consultants will help you identify your personal leadership style plus ways to improve your communication approach.

You will discover how to get maximum performance from your team, exploring motivation, influence and balancing the potential conflicts arising from the needs for both creativity and consistency. The course will also investigate the cause of, and solutions to under-performance.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information, visit the Oxford Medical Training website:
Essentials of Medical Leadership and Management Course
Leaders Plus - Leaders Plus NHS Fellowship

Leaders Plus is a social enterprise supporting talented men and women with young children so that they can progress in their leadership careers whilst at the same time enjoy their young family. Our award-winning Fellowship Programme gives access to an external peer support network, high-quality training, mentoring and inspiring role models, enabling parents to thrive in their leadership role.
The Leaders Plus NHS Fellowship is a supportive leadership career development programme for NHS leaders with young children who are ambitious in their careers.
Our award-winning Leaders Plus Fellowship has already supported hundreds of parents to progress in their careers whilst enjoying their young families. Due to the high demand from NHS colleagues and with support from our partners, we are delighted to now offer a pioneering programme specifically for NHS clinical and non-clinical staff who are passionate about career development and have young children between the ages of 0 and 11.
The Leaders Plus NHS Fellowship Programme will support parents working in the health service to progress at work into senior leadership positions whilst also balancing commitments as a parent.
Fellows will become part of a strong community of mums and dads working in the NHS, building a positive movement for change so that all new parents can thrive in leadership roles.
The Leaders Plus NHS Fellowship is a leadership career development Programme which is split into two parts. An initial 6-month Foundation Fellowship, followed by an optional 3-month NHS Changemaker Fellowship Programme the year after.
It is delivered via a series of high-quality workshops, roundtable events and online learning resources.
Leaders Plus NHS Foundation Fellowship:
All Fellows will initially join a 6-month Programme which has been expertly designed to help Fellows to progress their career whilst balancing their commitments as a parent.
Leaders Plus NHS Changemaker Fellowship:
All Fellows will have the option of extending their Fellowship experience by continuing with an additional 3-month Leaders Plus Changemaker Fellowship for the NHS. This will take place 12 months after completion of the Foundation Fellowship and Fellows will be supported to lead change projects supporting parents in their department or organisation
Fellows can either sign up for both from the start or begin with the Foundation Fellowship and opt into the Changemaker Fellowship later.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation
Emerging Leaders Programme (NHS Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHSFT)

The requirement for leadership skills is a universal one for clinicians, but the scale and scope of leadership activity varies according to the specific leadership role identified. Those doctors who progress as leaders will spend increasing proportions of their time engaged in leadership activities, often working at increasingly complex levels of organisation within a local Trust, regionally in a system, or nationally. The balance of required skills varies, in a way that is analagous to the changing balance of skills and activity as a medical career progresses.
This programme focuses on medical leadership at the “New Consultant” level. This is taken to mean doctors in the early years of their consultant career or working at Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) level.
The programme consists of:
- Seven contact modules, each a half-day , delivered by FMLM Applied at approximately one-month intervals.
- A number of interspersed modules outlining core “management” skills for doctors at this level, to be delivered by Trust senior leaders and managers.
- Work – some form of project linked to day-to-day clinical roles – to be undertaken by participants in between the contact modules. This work will be a stimulus for leadership learning and development, but will also be supported from the participation of the doctor in the programme. This is based on evidence that up to 70% of the benefit of leadership development comes from practical application of what is learned in a “classroom” type environment, leadership (like clinical medicine) being a practical skill, albeit informed by theory and knowledge.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
Practical Leadership and Management Course for Doctors (Oxford Medical Training)

On the Practical Leadership & Management Course for Doctors we focus on getting things done through the organisation and management of people, projects and resources. The positive implementation of these skills has been shown to have direct positive impacts on patient experience and outcomes, organisation efficiency and on clinicians’ personal satisfaction.
With applications ranging from everyday practice through to the management of serious incidents, the course maps directly to the Medical Leadership Competency Framework which was developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the NHS Leadership Academy.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information, visit the Oxford Medical Training website:
Practical Leadership & Management Course for Doctors
MSc Advanced Health and Care Management - Value-Based Pathway (VBHC Academy at Swansea University)

There is a growing requirement for health and social care systems to adopt a value-based capability; in order to lead organisational and system-wide transformation. The future challenges call for a radical new approach, underpinned by prudent principles, to lead change, harness new disruptive technologies and contest the purpose, value and location of existing service provision for patients.
Through its VBHC Academy, Swansea University is unique in offering a masters level degree with a specific pathway in the principles and application of Value-Based Healthcare in health, social care and the life-science sectors. Its aims to enable individuals to immerse themselves in the new paradigm of Value in health and care; how to implement it in practice at a population and individual level, capturing outcomes that matter, utilising digital technologies, applying new costing models, innovative procurement approaches and adopting a total pathway-of-care approach. Participants will develop the necessary skills to implement an innovative Value-Based strategy within an organisation.
Why Swansea?
- The course is designed to challenge and stimulate, allowing knowledge to be assimilated and applied in context as well as to learn from peers, guest speakers and hosts of the module blocks.
- Modules are taught by world-class academics with extensive experience of working within the health, social care and life sciences sectors as well as academia
- Latest findings from research are used to ensure a robust understanding of the successful adoption of VBHC
- Innovative programme designed to equip the learner with practical guidance on adopting a Value-Based organisational strategy
- Invited to master classes by global experts in the field of VBHC
- Attain a global perspective in the development and implementation of Value-Based health and social care.
- Explore the inherent complexities in health and social care policy and practice.
- Learn more about prudent and complex systems and how to enhance health and care.
- Provide an opportunity for health, social care and life-science professionals to undertake a critical evaluation of underlying theory, practice and research in health and social care.
- Become a critically reflective leader, practitioner, manager or researcher who can function at an advanced level of practice and provide leadership in the planning, development and critical evaluation of integrated health and social care.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information about this programme, visit the Swansea University website:
Advanced Health and Care Management Course
MSc Health Professions Education (Leadership)

The MSc in Health Professions Education (Leadership) is designed to equip practicing clinicians with the knowledge and skills that needed to lead the development and delivery of educational initiatives in their chosen field. This multidisciplinary programme is suitable for clinicians of all backgrounds and levels of experience, and offers a wide selection of modules covering topics as diverse as clinical teaching skills, assessment, leadership & teaching ethics and law. Through modular teaching and assessments, students will develop an understanding of how research and scholarship is undertaken in education settings, and the MSc year offers students the opportunity to undertake original empirical or desk-based research in a specific area of interest. Students can choose to follow a specialist pathway in Leadership, Primary Care, Research, and Assessment or they can follow a general pathway selecting modules which specifically interest them. Students can exit with a PG Cert ( 60 Credits); Diploma ( 120 credits) or MSc (180 credits). All modules are currently offered online.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
Visit the Health Professions Education MSc programme
Medical Leadership and Management Online Course (Oxford Medical Training)

This comprehensive, online, modular course is designed to develop the leadership and management skills you require as a 21st century doctor. What needs done and why? How are you meeting the challenges at present and what are the alternatives? What are you doing well and how can you improve? Developed with our tutor faculty’s senior clinicians, we guide you to find your own solutions and how to apply theory to everyday practice.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information, visit the Oxford Medical Training website:
Medical Leadership & Management Online Course
Everyday Medical Leadership and the NHS (Oxford Medical Training)

This one day course for doctors, maps directly to the Medical Leadership Competency Framework which was developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the NHS Leadership Academy. It is one of a set of three distinct one-day courses from our Medical Leadership and Management category.
The course will explore the system which you work within – past, present and future – identifying the everyday leadership actions which you can take to make a difference.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
For more information, visit the Oxford Medical Training website:
Everyday Medical Leadership & The NHS course
MSc Advanced Management: Health Innovation & Transformation (Swansea University)

Do you want to play a key role in the transformation of health and care systems? Do you want to challenge the status quo and use your innovative ideas to develop systems and services that benefit both the patient and organisation?
This course is designed to better equip middle and senior managers within health and social care systems in the UK and globally, to lead transformational change and drive innovation within healthcare systems, processes and technologies.
The increasing need for value-driven health and care systems, requires leaders that are capable of driving organisational and system-wide transformations. The future challenges call for a radical new approach, underpinned by prudent principles, to lead change, harness new technologies and contest the purpose, value and location of existing service provision for citizens. This programme will enable you to realise innovation at a local level, with potential to lead through transformation at system level. Using the Bevan Commission’s thinking and Innovators, along with perspective from NHS Innovation Leads, industry and the wider sector, you will gain first-hand, invaluable insights into the application of the theories you will study.
Enhancing your management skills to correspond with the requirements in a modern health and care setting, is key in ensuring you are able to successfully guide organisations through innovative and transformational challenges.
Why Swansea?
- Be the key driving force to transform health and care systems for the better.
- Access to world-class academics with extensive experience of working within the health, social care, third sector and life sciences sectors; as well as academia.
- Innovative teaching blends theory with practice through case analysis, participant observation, role play and master classes by subject experts.
- Confront contemporary issues in relation to the transformation and improvement of health and social care.
- Explore the inherent complexities in health and social care policy and practice for the purpose of innovation and transformation.
- Promote innovation and the challenges of uncertainty and disruption.
- Provide an opportunity for health and care professionals to undertake a critical evaluation of underlying theory, practice and research in health and social care.
- Become a critically reflective leader, practitioner, manager or researcher who can function at an advanced level of practice and provide leadership in the planning, development and critical evaluation of integrated health and social care.
Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy.
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation.
To find out more about this programme, please visit Swansea University's website: