Leadership Voices

Tell us a little bit about yourself Trish and what you are currently working on? "My name is Trish Greenhalgh. I'm a…

The talk delves into broader reflections on how we interact and treat one another, transcending the boundaries of the…

First and foremost, are there any key leadership messages you want to get out to our members?

Scott is the Director of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and Leadership for the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care…

Inclusivity should be at the core of everything a leader does. It is a pillar of compassionate leadership, of nurturing…

I hope you enjoyed the conference last week and feel inspired and energised by what you heard. I learned a lot, which…

Nature or nurture - can leadership potential be developed? In my view it can certainly be enhanced, with a caveat I…

FMLM is an internationally recognised and prestigious organisation which spearheads excellence in medical leadership to…

As a Cardiology trainee, I sat my specialty certificate exam, the European Examination in Core Cardiology (EECC)[1],…

The label of ‘leader’ is one which can present difficulties in terms of definition and identity, especially for those…

Coaching and mentoring are both confidential developmental processes between a Client and a qualified Coach or Mentor,…