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Prof Julius Weinberg

Accredited Coach


  • MSc Applied Psychology
  • APECS Accreditation 

Coaching Approach

I get pleasure from supporting and developing people. That has been through being a Physician (I trained in Infectious Disease and General Medicine, then Public Health) and then moving into Education. As a senior leader (Consultant, Vice Chancellor, Chair of Ofsted…) my main role has been to develop the people around me and enable them to be as good as they can be. In all my roles I have coached those with whom I work.

I have broad experience, not only from moving from Medicine to Education, but from working in a variety of settings, academia, busy hospitals, war zones, the developing world. I try to bring this broad experience to helping people engage constructively with their difficult issues. I do not have the answers, but I try to help those I coach find their answers. I have certainly made plenty of mistakes to learn from.

I think coaching conversations should be fun. We are exploring the world and trying to find solutions. Irreverence and laughter is part of me and my coaching.

Coaching process

I do not have an “approach”. There is little hard evidence to underpin any particular approach in coaching. The effect is in having rich, worthwhile conversations. I will explore with those I coach the best approach. It may well change as the conversation develops. I draw upon Stoic thinking and Transactional Analysis as I find good explanatory frameworks there.

I have a number of articles published in “The Coaching Psychologist” if you want to know more about my approach to coaching and its evidence base.

I will listen, and try to help you think about the issues you want to discuss in a different way. My offer is a rich conversation in which we will both learn.

What are your three unique selling points that separates you from other coaches?

1. Experience.  Vice Chancellor, Chair of Ofsted, Chair of Major Academy Trust

2. Breadth.  Degrees in  Medicine, Psychology, Education, Art History

3. Inquisitiveness: I will care about you and the issues you want to discuss

Who will you be willing to coach? Individuals and teams

For what medical career stages are you willing to coach? Doctors in training, staff and associate specialists, consultants, GPs, Dentists, Nurses, other clinical Leaders and executives and boards. 

What are your coaching areas of expertise? Leadership development, transitions, vertical development and C-suite executive coaching.



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