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Mr Vikram Millns

Accredited Coach


  • DISC Practitioner - September 2023
  • Diploma in corporate and executive coaching - Ongoing
  • Certificate - Motivational mapping practitioner (psychometric) - ongoing

Coaching Approach

I adopt and hold a compassionate and inclusive thinking space during all my coaching sessions. My pace is your pace. Inspiration for my coaching style comes from Nancy Kline’s (a time to think), Boyatsis’s themes around relationships and evidence-based neuroscience.

I create the space through questioning to unravel and unpick challenges, examining context and feelings, to help you think and gain insight through personal reflection. The GROW Model (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward) serves to create structure so we are always future-focussed.

Through our sessions you will be amazed by discovering what truly motivates you. Through your actions between coaching sessions, your confidence in stepping forward will help you unravel opportunities in your new reality. While others benefit from your new reality, these coaching sessions are focussed on you.

What are your three unique selling points that separates you from other coaches?

1. Cross cultural lived experience resulting in high emotional intelligence and setting a comfortable pace of dialogue.

2. A rounded appreciative approach to context of the coachee. A lot of coach training is focussed on intrinsic capability.

3. Using neuroscience and an evidenced-based approach to behaviour change.

4. Coaching teams to build motivation.

Who will you be willing to coach? Individuals 

For what medical career stages are you willing to coach? Doctors in training

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