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Tuesday, 22 November 2022 - 7:00pm
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FMLM Trainee Steering Group Webinar: Leadership and Management for Foundation Doctors

The FMLM Trainee Steering Group (TSG) is excited to present the Introduction to Leadership Development Programme, tailored specifically to doctors in training. It comprises of a series of monthly free online events over the next year, which offers both an introduction to a range of core leadership topics, as well as key insights from leaders both within and outside the field of healthcare.

Each session offers a unique blend of education and inspiration, with the aim of supporting your development as a clinical leader. All attendees can record their learning in the FMLM Leadership Development Passport, which can provide portfolio evidence for your progression towards achieving the required leadership competencies.

We’re delighted to be hosting this programme, and we look forward to welcoming you on the next step of your leadership journey.

12th Session: Leadership and Management for Foundation Doctors | Tuesday 22 October, 7-8:00pm 

Whether we like it or not, we are in leadership positions as Foundation Doctors, and we will be in management roles as we progress in our careers. Ask any Consultant and they will all say they wish they had more leadership and management development during their training – because all of a sudden, they now chair department meetings, must know about governance structures and will manage budgets of tens to hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Fortunately, there are now a range of opportunities available during our FY1, FY2 (and FY3+) years. These range from self-development activities such as post-graduate education and attending learning events, to leadership and management fellowships at external organisations.

Here, Dr. Raihan Mohammed takes us through several of these opportunities, and shares Q&A interviews with four incredible speakers who discuss their own experiences and reflections of leadership and management. We will hear about studying for a MBA, creating a podcast, leadership roles in your Trust and getting involved in entrepreneurship and their advice for Foundation Doctors looking to get involved in this space.

Your speakers:

Dr. Kola Tytler – GPST1, Founder and CEO at dropout ®

Dr. Abdul Rahyead – SHO, Co-Founder Peerr and The Scrubbed in Show

Dr. Joe Home – Public Health SpR, FMLM NMD Fellow

Bhumi Shah – Medical Student, Included VC Fellow and Co-Founder at Stealth Start-up

Your host:

Dr. Raihan Mohammed – SHO, NHS Management Trainee

Apply here

  • 22 November 2022 - 7:00pm


United Kingdom


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