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11 December 2014
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A message from the Medical Student Group and Trainee Student Group...

Sarah Curtis, Chair of the FMLM Medical Student Group…

The Medical Student Group has been busy working on a large study to improve integration of leadership and management into the undergraduate curriculum, having a presence at fresher’s fairs, recruiting lots more members, sourcing and organising as many students opportunities for you as we could find and organising lots of exciting sessions for the national conference! Here are some ways for you to get involved.

University Representatives  

If you aren’t already a University Representative and would like to give it a try, then please review the rolling applications on our website. If your University already has a representative then find out who they are (you can always email us at medicalstudents [at] and see how you can get involved in local activities.

Website Re-design

We are now taking suggestions for what you would like to see on the website! What information would help you? What would you like to see there? Let us know so we can design the website around you and your needs.

Elective and SSC opportunities

We have been approached and we are approaching organisations to offer these opportunities, to create more for students who are interested in getting a brief insight into healthcare management. These will be advertised on the FMLM website, and will hopefully expand to NHS organisations. We’ll keep you posted!

National Conference

The conference will have at least 2 formal and 4 informal sessions just for students and juniors!! It will be a great few days up in Manchester, book your place now! The sessions will focus around skills development, quality improvement and provide an insight into leadership styles and exposure to the challenges of being a healthcare leader. There will also be the opportunity to meet plenty of experienced healthcare leaders and do lots of networking! We look forward to seeing you there!

Olivia Jagger, Chair of the Trainee Steering Group...

The Trainee Steering Group represents the voice of trainees within FMLM and aims to empower trainees to develop as emergent medical leaders and managers. The TSG have been working hard to bring you lots of opportunities to engage with FMLM. I have captured some of the core activities below, so read on if you are interested in finding out how you can get more involved.

Join us!

The TSG is currently recruiting for members. If you are interested in leadership and management and want to get more involved this is a fantastic opportunity to work closely with senior leaders at FMLM and have fun!

Project Bank

Project Bank is your opportunity to deliver a project with FMLM. There is an incredible range of projects to get involved in, from organising conferences, to producing learning resources, to delivering large-scale quality improvement project. The Project Bank is constantly updated, so check in to see how you could get involved.


We have had a fantastic whirlwind two months, with 7 Regional Conferences across the UK. It was great to meet lots of you at these Events. The TSG also organise Quality Improvement and leadership events throughout the year and there are opportunities for you to get involved with helping to organise events. If you are interested in attending an event, look on the website under the Events Section. Opportunities to get involved will be flagged up on Project Bank.


We love to hear from trainees and understand the health and healthcare issue that are important to you. Check out blogs from fellow trainees on the website and have a go!

The website is a rich source of resources, so grab a cup of tea (as advised by Shweeta Singh in her blog) and browse an incredible range of webinars, blogs, articles and learning resources.

National Medical Directors Clinical Fellow Scheme

Applications for the Clinical Fellow Scheme open next week! As a current Clinical Fellow at The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and The Royal College of Physicians, I cannot encourage you enough to apply. It is a fantastic opportunity to work alongside the top medical leaders and gain an understanding of the wider economic and political influences on healthcare that impact on your clinical practice! The details of how to apply will be available on the website from Tuesday 16th December 2014. In the meantime, check out the profiles of the current Clinical Fellows on the website. 

All that is left is to wish you a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to meet you all at the student and trainee sessions at the National Conference in the New Year!

Olivia and Sarah

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