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2 October 2013
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When targets make you mad: a dialogue on flu vaccination

By Anthony Berendt

A: I can't believe it! I'm furious!

Q: Oh? Why? What's happened?

A: They've imposed a 75% flu vaccination target for healthcare workers! It's crazy!

Q: Aren't you a supporter of healthcare worker flu vaccination?

A: Yes, passionately!

Q: Even though it's not that effective?

A: Well hang's 60% or so effective. That's not bad

Q: Enough to want to promote it?

A: For sure! That's a good reduction in the risk of catching flu at an individual level and if we were all immunised it could impact on spread

Q:  How so?

A:  Flu is highly infectious and we know cases are infectious a little before symptoms start, are infectious even with mild illness and remain so for some days.

Q: But aren't lots of people immune or innately resistant? Isn't that why many healthcare staff still don't want the jab?

A: That's their argument but there is no evidence to support that view. And there are plenty of examples of serious or fatal flu in people "who've never had flu".

Q:  So you don't you want everyone in the NHS to be immunised?

A: Yes. I would argue that all health and social care workers should be.

Q:  What's wrong with having a target then?

A:  Well it's not mandatory, so we have to persuade our staff to have the vaccine. We know some hate targets and don't want to be part of one. Introducing a target will just infuriate them!

Q:  Let me get this straight. A target will "infuriate" people, including the ones who think flu vaccination is the right thing to do?

A: Yes! Well, perhaps...I suppose it might actually encourage those who believe in the jab to see it being taken even more seriously.

Q:  And the effect on the waverers who are not sure?

A:  Perhaps some of them might take it more seriously. I recall meeting one doctor who said they would only have it if it was made compulsory. But others will see it as punitive I am sure.

Q: But this target is linked to a reward, not a punishment, isn't it? Who exactly will it infuriate? 

A:  It will certainly infuriate the ones who don't agree with having the flu jab!

Q: Who at the moment don't have the vaccine anyway?

A: Exactly!

Q: So how were you hoping to persuade that group to change their minds?

A:  Well... Every year we have increased uptake, so it looks as if people are slowly being won over.

Q:  How slowly? And are you winning over the "resisters" or just drawing in the "late majority"?

A:  Hmmm....not entirely sure.

Q:  Did you say the target was 75%?  So how long to reach 75% using your existing methods?

A : Hard to know at present. Nationally the figures are increasing but we still had under 50% of front line staff immunised in the 2012 season. Several more years I guess.

Q: Can I just play this back to you for a moment?

A:  Go ahead...

Q:  You support flu immunisation for healthcare workers and you want the uptake to be much higher?

A:  Yes

Q:  Uptake rates are rising only slowly despite lots of effort and measures to draw staff in?

A:  Yes...

Q:  The "target" links eligibility for winter pressure funding in 2014 with 75% vaccine uptake in 2013?  With something which, it sounds like, you would quite like to happen anyway?

A: That's right!

Q: So tell me again...what is wrong with the target? Isn't it a piece of "disruptive innovation" that might help you breakthrough to much higher uptake? Isn't it really what you want?

A:  We really want 100% uptake!  The thing is, we think staff will never agree and after Mid Staffs, targets have such a bad name...

Q:  But can you blame all targets for how some leaders and cultures have responded to some targets?

A: It would just be so much easier if we kept this on a level where we could not be accused of coercing people in order to hit the target!

Q:  That's a leadership choice isn't it? I remember you blogging about this that where you are going with this?

A: Exactly! We should be doing this by leading, not by following some Government target!

Q:  And tell the Government have the right to set a target?

A: Yes, but...

Q:  A target you want to exceed anyway?

A:  Again, yes, but...

Q: A target that might encourage supporters, persuade waverers, and will only really annoy a group of people you are currently not winning over anyway?

A: You think I should stop moaning and get behind the target don't you?

Q:  I'm just asking questions... But I'm wondering what the impact would be, on your leadership of your flu programme, if you felt comfortable that the target was no different from a CQUIN, and was a legitimate expression of your own ambition for your colleagues and their patients? Would that make it OK to follow the line?

A:  Maybe. And maybe as a leader I have to recognise there are times I have to follow just as I ask others to follow me.

Q:  Well...I didn't like to ask about following, but it is important...and I don't know what you will make of this next question?

A:  Fire away!

Q:  Do you think you can make the target, if you try?

A:  If we all get behind it, as leaders and followers committed to our patients, we will smash it to pieces!

Q: What are you waiting for?

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About the author

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Anthony Berendt

Tony has worked at Medical Director level in acute Trusts since 2004 and he is particularly interested in organisational dynamics; their influence on individual, team, and organisational behaviours and performance; and the role of leadership in creating healthy organisational cultures.


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