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8 July 2014
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FMLM in the Midlands and East - a second opinion!

April 2014 saw the first regional event for the FMLM in the Midlands and East. In conjunction with the University of Birmingham’s Medical Leadership Society, the FMLM hosted more than 60 delegates on a sunny afternoon in Birmingham.

Dr Jane Povey (Deputy Medical Director for the FMLM in Primary Care) leant her support throughout the day, championing the work the FMLM was doing. The delegates were a mix; from medical student right up to consultant; member and non-members. It was an excellent opportunity to showcase the FMLM’s work in promoting QI and developing standards in medical leadership and management.

Prof Liz Hughes, Dean of Health Education West Midlands pressed home how intrinsic leadership and (all forms of) management are to clinical practice. She spoke of the NHS Medical Leadership and Competency Framework, as well as how junior doctors are best placed to be agents of change.

Enter Dr Carmen Soto, paediatric registrar and PhD student, who gave us a ‘real world’ insight into how a trainee can effect change on the ground. An inspiring talk encompassing all manner of quality improvement initiatives, as well as practical advice in dealing with common pitfalls when navigating ‘the system’. With the delegates enthused, we moved onto tea, coffee and networking courtesy of our sponsors. The break out room was buzzing – the speakers had clearly captivated their audience.

Dr Faisal Shaikh, Deputy QI Lead for Midlands and East, re-iterated the need to integrate leadership and management competencies into the medical school curriculum. He spoke of the role of Medical Advisory Committees in furthering leadership and management, as well as shaping the NHS as a whole.

The day moved from lectures to small group workshops at this point. Indebted to several speakers and trainees who gave up their time to facilitate, delegates were asked to consider ‘what makes a good leader’. Lewin’s leadership theory was introduced and a subsequent surgical post take ward round (and the leadership examples involved) was critiqued.

Prof Matthew Cooke, Associate Medical Director of Transformation and Emergency Care, gave a blow-by-blow account of how to change an organisation. It was refreshing to hear someone speak so candidly about how it can actually be done. By using ‘nudge theory’, he explained how important it is to stick to your principles as a medical leader.

Capt Simon Tallowin, the FMLM Armed Forces Representative, was next up and compared clinical leaders to military leaders. The parallels he drew were fascinating and he argued that a ‘mission control’ paradigm could be used in medicine effectively.

Our host, Dr Jane Povey spoke of leadership in primary care. She was passionate about equipping such individuals with the skills they required. As the majority of medical school graduates will become GPs, and how the profession is becoming more autonomous, the importance of preparing individuals for the clinical and managerial responsibilities they will face cannot be underestimated. This was wrapped up nicely by a King’s Fund video, explaining the current set up and structure of the NHS post Health and Social Care Bill.

Our final workshop of the day focussed on the QI aspect of the NHS Medical Leadership and Competency Framework. Delegates were invited to critique an example of an acute admitting unit, and to develop ways to implement a QI project.

The day concluded with final remarks from Dr Jane Povey. The upcoming Armed Forces event was advertised, which will be held in the Midlands and East region. The delegates dispersed and the organisers were left feeling relieved that the event had been executed as they wished.

It was, all-in-all, an excellent advertisement of everything the FMLM can bring to a healthcare professional’s practice. It is hoped that this is the first in several events throughout the Midlands and East. In fact, a Cambridge-based event may be just over the horizon…

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