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21 January 2022
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FMLM launches initiative to assess leadership development needs of international medical graduates

FMLM is working on an initiative to develop leadership and management capability for international medical graduates (IMGs) employed in the UK.

There is evidence that many IMGs, particularly when first joining the UK workforce, are neither offered nor exposed to the same leadership and management opportunities as others.

Dr Paul Evans, FMLM Medical Director, said:

“With leadership and management recognised as integral to the professional development of doctors trained in the UK, there is a need for all doctors employed in the UK workforce to have opportunities to develop and gain experience as leaders, to ensure the quality, safety and integrity of our healthcare services.”

To understand this further, FMLM has designed a survey to capture the baseline leadership and management development needs of IMGs and the opportunities currently available to them.

Responses to the survey will be used to inform the development of appropriate resources and to guide FMLM’s work with national organisations on medical leadership development and training.

International Medical Graduates working as junior doctors in the UK are invited to support this work by participating in the survey:

The survey is now open until Monday 28 February.

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