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25 February 2016
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FMLM to host virtual breakfast for International Women’s Day

FMLM will mark International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8 March by holding a virtual breakfast session, online and on social media, from 6.30am – 11am.

All colleagues, female and male, are invited to ‘drop in’ via Twitter and other platforms, share information and photos from their own breakfast sessions and pledge recognition and support for women colleagues in medicine and healthcare.

Dr Jane Povey, FMLM Deputy Medical Director, will be championing the event by meeting colleagues at the Shrewsbury Coffee House, Shrewsbury, from 7.30am until 9am. She said: “This will be a great way to start the day. I’m looking forward to catching up with colleagues at our FMLM brekkie to celebrate and discuss ways to further support the achievements of medical women, refresh body and mind, and connect with each other to explore some of the leadership issues which affect both women and men in the profession. We will be active on Twitter and I hope other colleagues, wherever they’re having breakfast – including some who are overseas – will join-in on the day.” 

FMLM will be active online and on Twitter throughout Tuesday 8 March using the following hashtags: #FMLMBrekkie, #IWD2016, #medwomen. Do join us @FMLM_UK and share the conversation.

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