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28 September 2015
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Junior doctor? Interested in medical leadership and management?

Do you want to get involved with FMLM? Opportunities are now available to join FMLM’s Trainee Steering Group.

FMLM’s Trainee Steering Group (TSG) is currently recruiting to several exciting positions for junior doctors of all grades. The TSG represents junior doctors to FMLM’s Council, driving forward our vision to professionalise medical leadership and management.

Dr Matt Sherwin, Midlands and East Regional Trainee Representative, and Dr Kaanthan Jawahar, TSG Events Lead, explain their work on the TSG.

Matt Sherwin, Midlands and East Regional Trainee Representative

“I am currently an academic FY2 doctor with an interest in patient safety and quality improvement. As an FY1 I was involved with Nottingham University Hospital’s ’SIPS’ (Staff Improving Patient Safety), a board-integrated patient safety initiative enabling coordinated multi-disciplinary quality improvement work. My work in this team showed me the importance of clinical engagement, management and leadership needed to effect real change in the challenging context the NHS finds itself in.

“As such I saw the FMLM regional representative role as the perfect springboard to champion medical leadership and management to fellow junior doctors. I am currently working to appoint Trust Champions to each trust within the Midlands and East region. I’ll be supporting them to organise and deliver FMLM-badged events through the year and to raise the profile of FMLM at a local level.”

Kaanthan Jawahar, TSG Events Lead

“I am currently one of the National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellows working at the NHS Trust Development Authority and have a keen interest in quality improvement, service design and delivery. I have run several events in the past and saw the TSG events lead role as a ripe opportunity to use my skills to raise the profile of medical leadership and management. In the past I have helped organise regional conferences for FMLM and designed and delivered workshops at both regional and national level.

"I am currently working to collate these resources into an ‘events bank’ – a portal through which the content of events focussing on leadership and a management can be accessed. In the first instance I am working with the FMLM Medical Students Group and the TSG Regional Trainee Representatives to deploy these resources, but the overall aim is for this to span all levels. I am also organising the FMLM Cambridge QI Conference 2015, which will take place on 28 November – junior doctors and medical students are invited to join.”

As a member of the TSG you will receive central support from FMLM. Fellow members of the TSG can also provide support, and face-to-face meetings are organised quarterly that include personal leadership development workshops/lectures.

See all available positions on the Project Bank or get in touch with the %20tsg [at] (TSG team).

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