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19 June 2018
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New recruitment service for NHS trusts

recruitment tool is promising to find candidates for hard-to-fill vacancies and save money for NHS trusts.

This new subscription recruitment package from BMJ Careers gives trusts unlimited access to online job posting instead of a fee per posting. The service also offers regular updates and opportunities for branding and promotion of the trust, all for a fixed annual price.

Bryan O'Leary, Medical Development Manager at Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust says: "We've advertised with BMJ Careers for many years and found it to be an effective part of our recruitment strategy. We were excited to find out about the new subscription approach and signed up straight away when we discovered the fantastic value it offers.”

He adds: “The interactive nature of the platform will also enhance our web presence and allow us to use social media more effectively, we hope to reach a new audience."

Figures obtained by the BMA show that training places across three in four medical specialties in England went unfilled last year, with many specialties experiencing recruitment shortfalls year on year.

Furthermore, 83% of job seeking hospital doctors are known to use BMJ Careers (Independent research conducted by Think Media Consultancy, 2017). So, it is easy to see how this new service can help address the above shortfall.

“BMJ Careers is the UK’s leading source of jobs and career advice for doctors, whatever their situation or stage of career,” says Philip Johnson, Director of BMJ Careers.

He adds: “Our new subscription recruitment packages put Trusts in control at a time when they have never had more difficulty filling posts. All year round advertising enables fast, effective access to both active and passive job-seekers, while targeted emails and our CV database helps Trusts to actively find the right candidate, every time.”

For more information, see the BMJ Careers website.

Advert paid for by BMJ Careers

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