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2 December 2013
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TSNews Winder 2013: Regional focus - Spotlight on Northern Ireland

Hello, my name is Richard Packer and I am the Northern Ireland Regional Trainee Representative.

What does that actually mean? I am here as both a point of contact and advocate for trainees in NI, interested in leadership and management.

I will be aiming to collate and promote events to help trainees gain skills and knowledge in leadership. I hope to be your point of contact for leadership and management events in NI.

The strategy so far has been to link with partner events that share many of FMLM’s aims. Chief amongst those was Steven Kinnear’s excellent Medical Leadership Symposium held in July.

There is also a fantastic student society the Queens Healthcare Leadership Forum (QHLF), led by Adam Dalby, who is also a member of the FMLM Medical Student Group. Their next event will have 250 students from across healthcare disciplines. It is by partnering with these events that we hope to increase membership and awareness of the faculty and in the future hope to provide our own events to the medical community of NI.

I am looking for your input on how the faculty will move forward in NI, there is an excellent opportunity to shape the direction that we are heading in. If you have any questions or suggestions richard.j.packer [at] (subject: NI%20FMLM) (I would be delighted to hear from you).

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