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13 May 2014
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Working as a secondary care consultant on a CCG governing body?

The introduction of clinical commissioning groups (CCGSs) in the last reorganisation provided an opportunity to bring the expertise of secondary care consultants to commissioning decisions. GPs have always been involved with delivering local healthcare services but now have been given a greater role in commissioning. Secondary care consultants are new to this landscape and FMLM and the RCP have been working closely with this group of 140 consultants to provide learning and development opportunities. Working with NHS England and the Royal College of Surgeons we have arranged two meetings with two more events planned for May and July this year.

We have found that the consultants in this role are passionate about helping improve patient care through challenging existing practice and help to foster innovative new services. During the seminars we have discussed the role, challenges and key aspects needed to perform the job.

CCGs have allowed for a closer working of secondary care doctors and GPs to provide a more integrated view across patient pathways. Both groups have told us how they enjoy working with each other and being able to make real changes to patient care.

If you are a secondary care consultant on a CCG governing body who would like to hear more about this then please contact Kayur.patel [at]

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