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Hunter Clinical

About Us

We recognise that many healthcare organisations are experiencing difficulties in recruiting to and retaining their clinical workforce. For most organisations, recurring gaps have become commonplace, inhibiting the ability to provide services safely, causing longer waiting times for treatment, and resulting in an over-reliance on agency spend.

Our formation was in response to demand from clients to support them recruiting to hard-to-fill clinical positions, amidst a national shortfall of talent. It became clear to us early on that a strategy focused only on getting “bums on seats” meant the same challenges were being faced time and time again by the people and organisations we worked with.

As a result, we set out on a mission to deliver an alternative approach that focuses on achieving sustainable outcomes for all involved. Our services have been tailored to support the delivery of these outcomes through a combination of recruitment, marketing and consultancy services.

Working in Partnership

Our commitment is to work in complete partnership with any organisation we represent. We take a values-led approach to delivering our services, always aiming to reduce agency dependency.

Managing expectations is an important element of this – we are careful to not over-promise and under-deliver.

We always operate with integrity.

Our Vision

To be recognised as the leading provider of clinical talent management solutions; excelling in quality, understanding and innovation.


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