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19 November 2012
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FMLM response to the Mandate 2012

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has delivered the first Mandate from the Government to the NHS; it sets out the aims and priorities of the NHS over the next two years including what every patient in England can expect from GPs, hospitals and the wider NHS.

Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management’s Founding Director, Peter Lees gives his response to the Mandate:

"We welcome the decision to set clear objectives for the NHS for the next two years; and the desire to have a strategic direction that puts patients at the centre of the ‘new’ NHS and is unapologetically clinically-led. FMLM is clear about the need for doctors to have a central role in leading the improvement of healthcare and we are pleased that the Mandate promotes what is a guiding principle of FMLM."

"The recognition that “the ambitions of the Mandate cannot  be achieved through a culture of command and control” is refreshing and echoes FMLM’s intention to build on the conference theme and look at how we can create a positive culture which supports leaders in order to drive improvement."

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