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Dr Venkata (Bharadwaj) Chada

NHSX 2021/22
National Medical Director's Clinical Fellow Scheme 2021/22

Bharadwaj completed the Leadership Academic Foundation Programme (AFP) in the East Midlands, having graduated from King’s College London in 2019. Whilst at King’s, he also obtained a First Class Honours iBSc in Healthcare Management, comprising modules such as Health Policy and Health Economics, which instilled in him a keen interest in policy and leadership in healthcare. As an AFP trainee, Bharadwaj undertook an internship at the NICE Interventional Procedures Programme (IPP), which was an insightful opportunity to understand the process by which novel interventional techniques are appraised and implemented within NICE guidelines. He is particularly interested on the impact and scope of technology within the NHS, and has published articles concerning the use of virtual consultations in primary care, and Electronic Health Record (EHR) implementation.

Bharadwaj recently obtained a distinction in the Healthcare Data and Informatics PGCert at the University of Cambridge, and will shortly be commencing the PGDip. In his spare time, he is a freelance writer for a Healthtech communications agency, an editor for the weekly newsletter, Healthtech Pigeon, and a regular podcaster for the ‘MedTalks’ podcast series.

He is interested in creative writing, narrative medicine, and medical literature, and has written articles for the BMJ Blogs on his reflections as a junior doctor. He is also an avid cricket enthusiast, although these days his weekends are spent more often watching the sport than playing it.

Reason for applying for the scheme

Bharadwaj is looking forward to his time at NHSX, to better understand how digital health policy is translated into practice. He is particularly interested in the ethical, regulatory, and governance challenges concerning the use of AI in healthcare, as well as workforce attitudes towards the implementation of digital health in routine clinical care. He is excited to meet, exchange ideas, and collaborate with the other fellows in the 2021-22 cohort, as he looks to develop his competencies as a future clinician-leader.

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