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Module 1: 5 October 2021, Module 2: 2 November 2021
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FMLM College Council Online Leadership Development Programme

Tuesday, 5 October 2021 - 9:00am
Tuesday, 2 November 2021 - 9:00am

Getting the best from being a council member at your college or faculty

Who is the programme for?

The programme is designed for new college council members.

What is this two half-day online programme about?

New college council members, whether elected or appointed, face a steep learning curve. Working within a royal college is very different from working in the NHS. Serving on a decision-making body across a whole area of medicine requires a broader focus to being a senior clinician. There is often a lack of appreciation of what colleges have the power to do and how they carry out their work. This introductory programme aims to uncover some of those mysteries and equip a new council member to be effective in the role. It covers topics which draw together a range of experience and insights.

This participative programme is designed and run by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management under the leadership of Andrew Hall, immediate past chief executive of the Royal College of Radiologists. While it covers much of the 'what' about being a council member, some sessions explore the 'how'. More individualised coverage of topics can be arranged separately to explore selected topics in more depth. The programme will be online (Zoom) and will draw on the experience gained during the pandemic, for example, no session will exceed four hours and both half-days will have at least than one significant break.

In advance of the programme, we will collect some basic information about the size and function of your college/faculty council to help shape the content and meet the needs of participants.

See full programme

Registration process

To join the programme, participants must be nominated by their college president, or self nominate with written support from their president.

For further information or to register a nomination, please contact events [at] 

Apply here

£195 pp
Module 1: 5 October 2021, Module 2: 2 November 2021


United Kingdom


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