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3 April 2020
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Our behaviour now is crucial

Paul Evans

by Dr Paul Evans

It is a privilege to write this Editorial at such a critical time, globally. I firmly believe that strong leadership is essential in delivering optimal patient care and in supporting colleagues and staff in this unprecedented medical emergency.

Having spent my whole medical career in the military, culminating in the post of Surgeon General (Head of the Defence Medical Services), I have witnessed the vital effectiveness of strong leadership in operational settings in Afghanistan and the collective response to the Ebola crisis.

First and foremost, individual behaviours are crucial. I would encourage you to remember FMLM’s Leadership and Management Standards for Medical Professionals that highlight the values and behaviours expected of individuals as both team members and team leaders.

A characteristic of a crisis response is that teams are often constructed by bringing together individuals from different locations and thus rapid team bonding is vital in optimising successful team cohesion and effectiveness. Encouraging full-team engagement with frequent reflection and debriefs to promote both physical and psychological wellbeing is essential to maximise resilience and sustainability.

Of course, good team work strongly benefits patients.    

During this crisis, we will publish a shortened weekly Newsletter with focused advice and signposting of relevant content. Additionally, on the FMLM website our Covid-19 support page holds this information and is reviewed on a daily basis. I also strongly encourage you to fill out our short online form so that we can adapt to provide the content that would be most useful to you.

Our role can perhaps best be summarised by Dame Clare Marx, Chair of the GMC and former Chair of FMLM: doctors will stop at nothing to provide care during this crisis, and our job is to support them.

I wish you the very best over the coming months.

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