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28 January 2022
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Professionalism, improvement and development – a strategy for the next five years

by Dr Paul Evans

FMLM Medical Director

FMLM’s 10th anniversary in 2021 provided an opportune time for reflection; to consider whether the Faculty was meeting its founding principles and charitable objectives, as well as to verify its role and ambition for the future. Following wide consultation, from which we gathered vital feedback from our members, key partners and stakeholders, these deliberations have been incorporated into FMLM’s new five-year strategy to 2026, which we have published today.

The vision and core aims of the new strategy remain unchanged: FMLM is resolute in its focus on three areas:

  • The professionalisation of medical leadership
  • Improvement of the quality of leadership through evidence-based research
  • Leadership development.

However, these fundamental principles have been expanded to incorporate progress made and encompass the critical role of medical leadership in meeting the significant challenges facing health and healthcare delivery in the future. It has become increasingly important to work collaboratively and in partnership with key UK institutions to influence and deliver policy initiatives that will support the professionalisation agenda. Many of FMLM’s leadership development programmes are now devised in collaboration with medical leadership colleagues and organisations.   

In delivering the new strategy, the focus for FMLM is:

  • Global sustainability and development of an ‘FMLM green agenda’ with leadership being crucial to drive forward the complex change programmes required to optimise effect on the health and wellbeing of future generations
  • To address the crucial role of leadership in driving much-needed change in health and workforce inequalities in terms of access and opportunity, as well as outcomes and attainment, to benefit patients and the workforce
  • To consider expanding membership to include other clinical professionals, given the fact that FMLM Standards are equally applicable to all clinical and non-clinical healthcare leaders. FMLM intends to explore the widening of membership criteria to include all clinical professions, although due recognition of the individual professional bodies would be necessary.

In summary, these are challenging times with the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of   workforce resilience, managing patient expectation and the introduction of improved innovative healthcare delivery that optimises patient care and value for money.

The importance of medical engagement and strong medical leadership to influence these essential outcomes cannot be overstated. Following welcome input and feedback from members, UK partners and stakeholders, FMLM is well placed to inspire the medical profession to lead this transformation and we commend this strategy to you.

Read the new FMLM strategy

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