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28 October 2022
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Supporting greater equality, diversity and inclusion: A crucial role for leadership

Broad realisation of the disparities experienced by many working in healthcare and by patients receiving services - a widely acknowledged legacy of the Covid-19 pandemic - is now driving concerted efforts for better leadership awareness and support for equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) for all, which is welcomed.

These issues are a priority for FMLM’s 5-year strategy, are addressed by the Leadership and Management Standards for Medical Professionals, and are the focus of sessions at the International Healthcare Leadership Conference online, on 9-10 November.  

Dr Paul Evans, FMLM Medical Director, said:

“FMLM is proud of the diverse range of sessions on offer at the International Conference, and not least those which focus specifically on EDI.

"These important sessions will explore the crucial role leaders play in developing cultures which provide equal access to opportunities and attainment for the workforce, and to exceptional care with improved outcomes for patients.”

Conference sessions include:

  • Embedding EDI, practical actions for all leaders - Charlie Brown, CEO of The Staff College: Leadership in Healthcare, will be joined by Ajit Abraham, Consultant HPB and trauma surgeon at the Royal London Hospital, and Ming-Ka Chan, Co-Director, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Manitoba, to discuss experiences of leading within healthcare and academic organisations in the UK and Canada, and apply learning of those to improve the experiences of the workforce, as well as students, trainees, patients and carers, through EDI.
  • Rethink Inclusion to Improve Outcomes - Dr Daljit Hothi, FMLM Director of Leadership Development and Education, will be joined by Alison Maitland, leadership coach and former Financial Times journalist and management writer, winner of the International Women’s Forum’s Women Who Make a Difference award, in 2021, and Dr Habib Naqvi MBE, Director of the NHS Race and Health Observatory. This session will present views on addressing inequity through systematic inclusion.
  • BMJ Leader session: Equity and Voice – BMJ associate editors will be joined by international clinicians and academics to discuss what it would take to have the world’s most equitable and just healthcare system.

See the conference website for more information

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