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21 October 2015
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FMLM responses to key consultations impacting medical leadership

FMLM participated in two GMC consultations during the summer and early autumn, on ‘Developing a framework for generic professional capabilities’ and Introducing regulated credentials’.

Our response summaries are as follows:

We support the GMC’s (with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges) development of generic professional capabilities in leadership and teamworking. We agreed, in principle, that the leadership and management aspects of a doctor’s responsibilities as outlined by the GMC are accurate and specified their assessment should refer to the FMLM Leadership and Management Standards for Medical Professionals, are demonstrated through appraisal and revalidation and supported by the FMLM certification process and 360 feedback tool currently in development.

The GMC is now developing revised standards for curricula and assessment for further consultation at the end of this year.

We support the establishment of regulated credentials in medical leadership and management, in collaboration with FMLM, and with particular reference to the FMLM Leadership and Management Standards for Medical Professionals. Furthermore, we specified that a credential should:

  • Be a voluntary activity and not a legal requirement
  • Follow a process where any doctor who has a significant leadership and management aspect to their practice may benchmark their effectiveness in this area of professional competence
  • Denote a higher level of competence than that expected of all doctors and which might be expected of a doctor applying for a medical managerial role in the public sector
  • Dovetail with FMLM’s certification process currently in development
  • Be shown to be valid and reliable by being developed, monitored and maintained through the Standards using revalidation and annual appraisals
  • Further signify medical leadership and management as an effective pathway and rewarding career choice.

The GMC will report the outcome of this consultation along with recommendations on the next steps in February 2016.

If you would like us to seek your input for future consultations in which FMLM is organising a collective member response, please contact communications [at] and we will add you to our consultation group.

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