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18 July 2014
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Paired learning with Birmingham Children's Hospital

The Paired Learning scheme run by Birmingham Children’s Hospital aims to break down barriers between junior doctors and managers and challenge stereotypes to drive improvements in clinical leadership. Paired Learning brings together a trainee doctor and manager to give an insight into each other’s roles and perspectives, through open dialogue, shadowing and by sharing the key challenges both groups face.

The methods to set up the programme were described and discussion turned to what managers and doctors had learnt through getting to know each other’s roles.

Neither doctors nor managers can work in isolation; they both need each other. We see the other group as the problem solvers rather than a problem to tackle. If we can see the best in each other's role and work together then we have a real chance in meeting the challenges that face all of us in delivering excellent health care.

The team also shared their own video explaining a bit more about the scheme.

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