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4 September 2015
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Prudent healthcare - What's it all about?

By C Williams; A Zarkali; C McKenna; A Yassaee

Prudent healthcare is the Welsh Government’s response to the pressures of austerity, rising costs, and increasing demands on the health service.

It aims to create a system that focuses on patient outcomes instead of volume of activity, and to achieve continuous quality improvement while making the most effective use of available resources. It was initially proposed by the Bevan Commission in 2013 and is the result of a widespread consultation spearheaded by the 1000 Lives initiative.

It is based on four core principles: co-production, prioritising those with the greatest need within the system, evidence-based care, and reducing waste and unnecessary interventions.

In this one page summary, C Williams, A Zarkali, C McKenna and A Yassaee, on behalf of the FMLM Trainee Steering Group, highlight what the implications are for clinicians working in Wales.

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