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Climb: Developing Sustainable Health and Social Care Leaders


Climb is an immersive programme based around the metaphor of climbing Everest - inspired by Sir Edmond Hillary - supporting delegates to be expedition ready and reach the summit of their potential. Peter Hillary (Sir Edmond’s son) is an advocate of the programme and is a regular speaker on the programme – recently delivering one session from Antarctica – sharing his stories around leadership, sustainability, resilience and overcoming adversity.

The programme is about empowering and inspiring healthcare leaders of the future to serve current and future generations in a sustainable way; encouraging and supporting radical collaboration to endure 'wicked' problems; a space to develop system leaders to learn the right skills, knowledge and ability to spread and scale innovation; building trust and compassionate leadership; all to unlock the very of best of OUR NHS.

Apply here

Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation



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